Finding the best candidates in the market can be difficult, sometimes the best candidates do not show their best when interviewing with a new employer. We keep at the forefront of our minds to make sure we give an unrivaled service to our candidates as each consultant makes sure they are there for them with every step.
We help candidates refine their interviewing technique and practice competency-based interviewing, we even help clients structure their interviewing questions to make sure they are asking broad scope of questions that don't just centre around previous experience but their personal character as well, this is how great teams are developed.
We are passionate about recruitment but there is much more to our recruitment service than just supplying CV's. We work as a partner to our clients supplying them with vital information about the market, competitor analysis, and hiring strategies. We have built a reputation for being an in-depth listener, focusing on the opportunity, and using our experience and systems to offer a solution.
Candidates benefit greatly from the in-depth knowledge, what we see most is employers not making the most out of selling their business to potential clients, because that is what great companies do without even realising it. Recruitment should be looked at more than a task but a way to broker relationships with potential clients, expanding their brand awareness and in turn they can expect a better response from the market.
Working with the future
We have enjoyed providing free support to schools and universities who have students venturing into the world of work. Interviewing is a skill in itself, and for those who haven't had to go through challenging meetings where you are put under pressure, this can be stressful and cause much anxiety. This is why we have spent time practicing with younger generations to make sure they have the skills to demonstrate everything they can offer to a potential employer, and we are also able to them a perspective on what is possible having worked with such a variety of people and seen many successes happen. Predominately we focus on competency-based interviewing, CV writing, and the routes to finding employment. READ MORE...

Drop us a line
Whether you're a candidate or an employer, we'd love to hear from you and talk about how we can help.
What Are People Saying?
Featured Testimonal
Francis at Testudo was instrumental in me getting such a critical role, with a leading management agency, in a flagship development.
From headhunting me, throughout the recruitment process, to providing inside knowledge of the role and organisation to which he was recommending me, it was very smooth.
This has enabled my FM career to rapidly progress over the past few years.
I would definitely recommend the services of Testudo